Time to open a new CD and it's such a hassle to do these things I went for a five year. The highest rate I could get in on was at Everbank so I applied on a Saturday.
At the end of the process, it lists one Required Item, a signature card to be mailed or faxed. Once I clicked on the card to download it, the item got checked off. As downloaded? As completed? Who knows? There aren't any definitive instructions. Besides, last time I applied for an account, they required a signature card after they approved my application and sent me materials. So I think I should wait for approval before doing anything.
Tuesday, I chat online with a rep who tells me to wait, it takes 2-3 business days for approval and I shouldn't do anything until then. Thursday, I get anxious and chat with another rep. This one says I have to send in the signature card before they bother processing my application at all! Plus it takes 3-5 days instead of 2-3. Wow, thanks for wasting all those days for me!
Just to check, I chat with a third rep to get a consensus. Yep, I was supposed to have sent in the signature card. Oh, and if I like I can also send in all of my money with it. How wonderful! Of course I'd love to send in all of my money without knowing whether or not you'll approve my application. Why, if an unscrupulous employee rejects my app, he or she can go ahead and cash my check out for themselves too! Why not?
Um, no thanks, Everbank. You just lost my potential business. I'll go for the next best rate at a completely different bank. It's only .01% less interest.