Friday, October 17, 2014

Help, I've Been Graffitied, Please Fine Me?

Trying to find any information on the Philadelphia Community Life Improvement Program (CLIP), I visited their website. They say they do graffiti removal. Considering how they treat me all the time for "long" grass and litter, I'm guessing if my place were graffitied, the process would go like this:

1) Punks - probably put up to it by Nasty Neighbor - graffiti my place with discriminatory slurs while I'm out running errands.

2) Nasty Neighbor - who hates me for no reason and keeps messing with me even though I've done nothing to him, not even in payback - informs CLIP that there's graffiti on my house and it's an "eyesore" for him.

3) CLIP "officer" comes out, takes a picture, writes up a ticket with a large fine against me even though I'm the victim here. Most especially because there's no video cameras on my property to prove that punks did it instead of me. Since, of course, I'd graffiti my own property with slurs against myself.

4) I come home to find a double bonus of graffitied slurs and a large fine. The ticket informs me that if I don't clean up the graffiti in two days, they'll send a crew to do it and charge me an excessive amount for the privilege.

5) I spend time I don't have cleaning the graffiti and money I don't have paying the large fine.

6) Another time while I'm out running errands, crew arrives at my house to clean up now nonexistent graffiti.

7) I receive an exorbitant bill in the mail for graffiti cleanup "service".

What a load of bull Philadelphia CLIP is.

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