Friday, December 4, 2015

All-New Super Friends Hour/Challenge of the Super Friends

The All-New Super Friends Hour (1977) Season 2

They got tired of all the extra padding to make hour-long episodes. Yay! They made tiny segments with super cheesy code words and stuff. Boo!

In a safety segment, Wonder Woman lands her invisible plane mid-city to congratulate a kid for using the crosswalk.

5(C) Super Friends vs. Super Friends: Aquaman disappears mid-incoming message but reappears instantly after. Snuck off for a quick break?

Challenge of the Super Friends 1978-1979 Season 3

4(A) The Time Trap: In 70,000,000 B.C., the stuff in South Africa's diamond mines probably weren't even diamonds yet.

7(B) The Beasts Are Coming: Radiation changed Wonder Woman into a rampaging monster outside a military base near the desert. So basically she Hulked out near a base that looks a lot like General Thunderbolt Ross'.

8(A) Secret Origins of the Super Friends: Flash running back and forth through time? OK. Batman and Robin plus Black Vulcan having unexplained methods of time travel? Convenient. Hal Jordan just deciding to call himself Green Lantern? Ermmm... the Guardias on Oa must have had The green ring changing Luthor? Do the rings work for the unchosen?

8(B) Terror from the Phantom Zone: Ew, Jayna licked Zan to deactivate! Er, line the Supermobile with lead already. What's the point of Superman having a vehicle that does less than he can do by himself? It should at least protect him.

9(B) The Anti-Matter Monster: It sucks in oil with its crotch! Someone needs to teach the Wonder Twins about timing. It takes less time to dive out of the way than to use their Exxor powers to change.

13(B) Batman Dead or Alive: The water rose too fast for two hours (cue Scooby Doo physics). The Kryptonite cell had no floor so why not toss off the cage? The Wonder Twins deactivated without touching. You mean, they could do this the whole time? That would have come in so handy all those times they got locked in cages or whatnot. Then again, maybe they touched when we weren't looking; their ropes were tied differently later in the episode!

15(A) Super Friends: Rest in Peace: Anything could have killed Batman since he's human with no superpowers. As for this Noxium, it must be really powerful stuff. Really, they have a museum right in their headquarters where they also keep sensitive equipment and information? No one's ever in the establishing outdoor shots of the Hall so the museum must be very unpopular. No one bothered checking their pulses to see if they were still alive. Look, Mommy, Superman's sleeping! Their backup heroes need a lot more training.

15(B) Journey Through Inner Space: An infrared outline of Aquaman when he had a completely different physical shape? If it were that easy, science would have detected auras ages ago. Why not inject the shrunken heroes closer to the brain so the journey wouldn't take so long? Unless they were really hoping that they might not have enough time to save him... Wonder Woman was safe in the ship but over the radio, she sounds strained. Pretending she was doing the hard stuff?

16(A) History Of Doom: Luthor's pretty dumb for a genius. Massive solar flares destroy pretty everything like the ecosystems that sustain all human life, which includes bad guys. Couldn't the Super Friends go back in time and fix it themselves? They had at least three ways to time travel in a previous episode.

16(B) The Rise and Fall of the Super Friends: The department store was going to be demolished anyway, why bother going in to save anything? Revenge of Robin? LOL! A place of lots of books, how'd they guess Gotham City library versus Metropolis City Library or countless others?

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