Friday, December 18, 2015

Chinese Movies & TV: Wailing Unfit For a Baby

Talk. About. Overacting. William Shatner has nothing on these people. With all the rapid-fire yapping, they could at least inject sincerity into one out of every 100 lines or so.

Seriously, the crying's horrendous -- loud, hideous, grating, endless -- enough to embarass a newborn baby. Oh, as for the screaming ninnies, horror movie scream queens have nothing on them. By the way, plenty of this crying and screaming comes from Grown Men. Man up, dudes!

They've got music ripped from westerns and one movie even ripped melodies straight from Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Is that something lame happening to the tune of epic music? Oh, the sacrilege!

Montages of romantic fighting scenes: Yes, really. And no, not hot and heavy sweaty-bodies-pressed-together stuff. Slow motion fully-clothed, flying through the air to clash swords in a field of flowers stuff. And sometimes flying past each other.

Beyond disturbing: Man leaping around articulated like a frog. Spark from fireworks hits old man in the eye for an instant kill. Man wailing like a baby for half the movie (and a good half the movie's dialogue; it was a lady's name).

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